Attempt this succulent chicken burger patty formula and you’ll cherish it. This is our modern family favorite supper. The patty is freezer-friendly that implies you can have burgers anytime with negligible exertion. What more?


In this post, I have shared a total formula to turn this delicious chicken patty into a succulent and flavorful chicken burger with burger sauce and caramelized onions. I posted this formula on my Instagram and this formula has as of now earned astonishing feedback.

This formula is motivated by a companion who makes basically astonishing burgers and cherishes to have a party. He does it with basic salt and pepper hamburger patties.


But I chosen to make this with chicken and combined it with his astonishing sauce and caramelized onion. And the comes about are delicious delightful succulent hand crafted chicken burgers. If you need more sandwich formulas check this quick nourishment meat burger or this hot fricasseed chicken sandwich recipe.


I know, you are rolling your eyes at the heading. The fixings list is said in the formula card so I won’t rehash it. We won’t go into excess subtle elements.



The chicken patty is exceptionally succulent due to the mystery fixing of mayonnaise. Really, ground chicken needs in fat. So the oil in mayonnaise gives the ground chicken additional flavor and dampness. Discover solidifying and heating subtle elements in the formula card.


Caramelized onion includes a inconspicuous taste and surface to the burger. I’ve kept them tolerably hot as the chicken patty is exceptionally mellow in taste. If you like more flavor include mushrooms as well in the sauce. You’ll cherish it.


The burger sauce is astounding and you can store it in the ice chest for 15 days to indeed a month. It is made with simple wash room fixings. If you like more alternatives consider including peri peri sauce, sweet chili sauce, or your favorite sauce. Cucumber savor can too be a incredible addition.

Chili garlic sauce is a desi favorite condiment comparable to ketchup with additional garlic and ruddy chili flavors. You can moreover utilize this tomato jam.


You can go insane here in spite of the fact that. I kept it basic with cucumber and tomato, but ice sheet or serving of mixed greens clears out would taste incredible increases. I’d like a few jalapeno and olives too.


You can utilize cut cheddar or burger cheese. Gouda, blue cheese, or Swiss cheese will too taste great.


Use sesame or any of your favorite buns. The photo was taken with potato buns.


Making this hand crafted succulent chicken burger patty is exceptionally simple. You can make a chicken patty 24 hours ahead and store it in the cooler. You can solidify it as well for afterward use.


  1. We require fine chicken mince so you might require to beat the chicken mince a few times in the nourishment processor for that exceptionally fine and pale surface. (Then again, you can too include chicken breast chunks and beat it until exceptionally smooth.) Basically combine all fixings of the burger patty in the bowl.
  2. Apply a small oil to the hand and blend it all. The blend will be sticky and you might get enticed to include more bread scraps. But be persistent and let it chill in the ice chest for 30 minutes. This permits the breadcrumbs to retain abundance dampness. The blend will be simple to handle but still delicate. That ok!
  3. Apply a small oil once more and roll seven patties out of the blend. You can chill it once more in the ice chest so it firms up a bit.
  4. Or shallow sear in 2 tablespoons of oil right absent. As before long as the chicken is cooked, the patty will be firm but succulent. Do not over-cook or the patty can dry out a bit. Crisply fricasseed patties taste best.



  1. This is the straightaway formula of caramelized onion that I serve with all my hamburger steaks and burgers. Fair put the fixings in the pot. Make beyond any doubt to include exceptionally small oil as you can evacuate the excess.
  2. Saute on medium warm until the onions are delicate and shiny. Yes, the shiny sparkle will tell you it’s ready.
  3. The burger sauce is genuinely straightforward but tastes astounding. Accumulate all fixings in a bowl.
  4. Just blend all the fixings and store them in a bump. You can store it in the ice chest for 2 weeks or more until its taste and surface stay the same.



  1. Assembling is very obvious in the collage. Select any new and light burger buns. I utilized hand crafted potato buns. Apply sauce to the bun.
  2. Add caramelized onions and browned chicken patty.
  3. Add new veggies and cheese of your choice.
  4. And tada! You can barbecue it If you like it warm and fresh. Let the cheese dissolve as well. Or fair appreciate a delicate succulent burger right absent.

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