This Hand crafted Chocolate Ice Cream formula without machine is light and rich with liberal chocolate flavor. You can’t halt having more and more of it. And you as it were require less than 20 minutes to make it!


Chocolate is the genuine expression of cherish and spoiling yourself if you have a sweet tooth. It’s a disgrace that this custom made ice cream formula came so late in the web journal after posting so numerous ice cream recipes.

I genuinely needed to make that liberal taste, so I was torn between making it cocoa-based or chocolate-based. And at last, I finished up utilizing both, as I continuously do in all my chocolate desserts.

If you adore custom made chocolate ice cream formula, do attempt my orange and plum ice cream for a acrid treat. If sweet and smooth is your palette, at that point this mango ice cream or peach ice cream will take your heart.


Find the fixings of the custom made chocolate ice cream formula underneath. This formula has no eggs, and it is made without an ice cream producer. Don’t skip this area as fixings shift a part in quality.


  • Chocolate: I utilized a blend of dim and drain chocolate. That appears to have a decent adjust for me. Utilize dull chocolate 50-60% of cocoa mass. If utilizing 70% or more, alter the cocoa powder in the formula as needed.
  • Avoid chocolate chips; as they are tall in cocoa butter, which will grant a terrible surface to the ice cream. In conclusion, the wealthier and smoother the chocolate utilized in the formula, the wealthier and more liberal the ice cream will be.
  • Cocoa powder: Utilize Dutch prepare cocoa powder, like Hershey’s, for a wealthy taste.
  • Condensed drain: This fixing includes sweetness to the formula. I found ¾ container to be the sweet spot. But if your chocolate is less sweetened, you might require a entire can.
  • Milk: Utilize whole-fat dairy milk.
  • Heavy whipping cream: Utilize full-fat dairy cream.
  • Salt: A squeeze of salt makes a difference bring out flavors.


Follow these straightforward steps to make this custom made chocolate ice cream with condensed milk!


  1. Start by chopping the chocolate into little pieces. This will offer assistance it dissolve more equitably in the another step.
  2. Heat drain in a pot until it’s hot but not bubbling. Pour the hot drain over the chopped chocolate and let it dissolve totally, blend occasionally.
  3. Once the chocolate has softened, include the cocoa powder to the mixture.
  4. Whisk everything together until you have a smooth chocolate sauce.
  5. Steps to make custom made ice cream without machine.
  6. Whip the chilled overwhelming cream until it shapes hardened crests. (You can keep ice 3d shapes in a holder and put the bowl on it to keep the cream chilled.)
  7. Add condensed drain and chocolate sauce to the whipped cream. Overlay all the fixings with the offer assistance of a spatula together until well combined.
  8. Pour the blend into a holder. Cover it with cling wrap or butter paper. Make beyond any doubt the plastic touches the ice cream surface to maintain a strategic distance from ice crystals.
  9. Freeze for at slightest 4-6 hours or until firm. Let the ice cream mellow for 10 minutes in the ice chest or exterior some time recently serving.


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