Quick Rice with Mushrooms and Pumpkin Recipe

Mushrooms and Pumpkin

Do you like Mushrooms? Where do you get them? Do you purchase them at the General store or at the neighborhood Showcase? Are they canned or are they new? Perhaps dried out? Drop is the idealize time for all dishes including mushrooms! Here in Catalonia, it’s so common to go Mushroom Chasing, yes! We say chasing! Same thing with snails, amusing, ugh? I live here and still ponder why… Chasing? But, destitute things, they don’t move… well, at slightest mushrooms don’t move. We take our normal wicker container, and a mushroom chasing cut and we go off the woods!!!

Mushrooms and Pumpkin

It’s been a long time since I don’t hone, but nowadays you can discover the best mushrooms at the city/village Markets. I fair felt in the mood… so I got a few new ones… from the adjacent mountains… dazzling places where smurfs would cherish to live ;D. Being a kid, the entirety family would get up at 4 or 5 in the morning! A Sunday!!!! And would live the entirety enterprise: dessert streets, terrific mother wheezing interior the tinny vehicle, my brother and I singing kids tunes to make the travel shorter, superb woodland muggy early morning fragances, Ahahhhhahah… What a extraordinary childhood I had!

Mushrooms and Pumpkin

This is a Fast Rice with Mushrooms and Pumpkin, truly simple to cook with new, delightful mushrooms, a few bacon strips and pumpkin dices. You can effectively discover the fixings presently in the Markets and the result is truly great :D. The focal points to cook with regular fixings and Moderate Nourishment mindset are colossal: incredible for you since it’s cheaper and the products’ quality is higher; and incredible for ranchers and for the arrive since they keep it profitable and working.


Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 grs of rice (I chose the Additional sort this time), sufficient chicken stock to bubble it and a few salt. 300 grs of pumpkin dices, 1 medium onion, 1 garlic clove, 100 grs of new clean regular mushrooms ( I utilized chanterelles), 50 grs of bacon, a few olive oil and salt.

  • Boil the rice for the prescribed minutes (see bundle informational) in the chicken stock. Deplete and save when it is still al dente.
  • Clean the mushrooms with a brush or a clean cloth. Never beneath tap water!
  • Pour a bit of olive oil on a gigantic skillet and when hot, incorporate the bacon cut in strips, when colored reserve.
  • It’s been a long time since I don’t sharpen, but these days you can find the best mushrooms at the city/village Markets.
  • In the same oil put the onion peeled and cut in dices, when straightforward include the pumpkin. When it begins getting delicate reserve.
  • In a little skillet, pour a bit of olive oil (one tablespoon) and carefully broil the mushrooms, when done include the garlic clove peeled and cut in little dices. When fragrant, reserve.
  • Add the rice to the enormous skillet and warm for 30 seconds whereas you carefully mix everything together. Include the mushrooms in the final seconds and blend.

Mushrooms and Pumpkin

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