Rearranged vegetable samosa formula with simple collapsing method and bona fide taste. You can get ready the hand crafted samosa cake and filling yourself and get that hot samosa bursting with flavors on your plate inside 60 minutes.


This vegetable samosa will before long ended up your favorite nibble, it will remind of the rainstorm rain and has a chaat-like sweet, fiery, and tart enchant. Definitely! I cruel a roller coaster of flavors pressed in the fresh hand crafted samosa baked good.

This vegetable samosa has varieties in the filling. A few individuals lean toward a filling with as it were potatoes, barring peas and carrots.

These samosas are popular road nourishment served in Pakistan and India. You’ll discover them for deal on nearly each corner. They’re fundamentally lifesavers – idealize for startling visitors, get-togethers with companions, or essentially a fulfilling nibble when starvation strikes.

I developed up getting a charge out of them plunged in sweet and acrid Imli chutney and green chutney – a genuinely divine combination.



I’ve attempted my best to bring the street-style flavor to my vegetable samosa formula. To accomplish this, you’ll require to make the flaky mixture by blending flour and water with seasonings.

  • Flour: Utilize new flour and filter it to expel any knots or minor particles.
  • Cumin: This formula calls for cumin, but feel free to test with caraway seeds for a diverse flavor experience.
  • Ghee: Feel free to substitute ghee with oil in this recipe.
  • Salt: Make beyond any doubt to season your batter well.




For delicious vegetable filling, I’ve primarily utilized potatoes, peas, and carrots along with a few essential seasonings like chili powder, coriander seeds, and cumin.


  • Potatoes: Wash bubble and peel the potatoes.
  • Peas: I have utilized solidified peas here you can utilize bubbled ones as well.
  • Carrots: Utilize ruddy carrots for the best taste. Utilize solidified diced carrot or steam it or solidify your new carrot for a whereas. The new carrot takes as well long to cook, so steamed or solidified carrots work best for this recipe.
  • Onion: Utilize ruddy or pink onions for the bona fide flavor.
  • Ginger, garlic, and chili: I’ve utilized crisply chopped ginger and garlic with green chili glue. You can utilize store-bought glue as well.
  • Lemon juice: I’ve included lemon juice for a touch of tanginess You can substitute with amchoor powder, anar dana powder, or indeed a few imli pulp.
  • Ground spices/Seasonings: Fundamental flavors like chili chips, and turmeric are utilized in this recipe.
  • Oil: Utilize vegetable or olive oil to fry.


Let’s start making these fulfilling vegetable samosas from scratch.


  1. Make the mixture by blending flour, cumin, oil, and salt. Mix it, and steadily include water. Manipulate the batter until completely combined. Make it a firm mixture. Cover and rest it.
  2. In a skillet broil ginger, garlic, and green chili glue. Let it sizzle, at that point include onions and sauté them until translucent.
  3. Next, include ground flavors and mix for a miniature until the flavors are combined and toasted.
  4. Add peas and carrots to the dish, and mix sear for a few minutes.
  5. Then include potato, sugar, and cilantro to the container. Blend well.
  6. Cover the container with a cover and permit the filling to cook for 5-7 until the vegetables are delicate and cooked through. Keep the warm moo and mix at interims as needed.
  7. Remove from warm. Presently, with the offer assistance of a potato masher, squash the potato so the filling has a more homogenized masala-like surface. Do a taste test and alter salt and flavors if needed.
  8. Let the filling cool sufficient to handle, at that point isolate the filling into 12 parcels. Set aside.


  1. Divide the mixture into 6 little balls of the same size.
  2. Roll out a mixture parcel into a circle on a level surface. Cut the circle in half to frame a 2 semi-circle. Put vegetable filling in the center of both semi-circles.
  3. Fold both sides of the batter over the filling in the center shaping a triangle. Apply water along the edges of the mixture to seal it. At that point seal the foot. Tenderly press the fixed closes to make beyond any doubt it is secure. (Observe the video.) Rehash to make 12 samosas.
  4. Heat oil in a wok and profound broil vegetable samosas on medium until brilliant brown and fresh. The samosa will take 4-5 minutes to sear. So be persistent and let the cake turn pleasantly brilliant.


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